Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Warrants Outstanding Walkthrough

Desk: Patrol

Objective: Pursue Subject

You are told by your partner that a guy on the sidewalk is wanted for skipping bail. His name is Wendell Bowers and your objective is to pursue him. There are two different ways to complete this objective (that I know of). They both involve chasing Wendell Bowers down an alleyway, passing a reversing vehicle and other obstacles, before climbing up a fire escape and a drain pipe. The chase then continues across several rooftops.

Wendell Bowers eventually runs out of rooftops and is forced into hiding behind a small concrete building. If you continue chasing at full pace he will punch you in the face. A fight sequence follows culminating in Bowers taking a fatal fall from the roof.

At the point where Wendell goes into hiding, an alternative and superior method is to stop and walk carefully up to his hiding place. You will avoid the punch in the face, this gives you the upper hand, a fist fight ensues and you get the opportunity to apprehend Wendell Bowers.

Either way counts as a successful conclusion to the objective.

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